1. For Turkish Students;

In order for the students to receive education in bachelor and associate programs at any higher education institution in Turkey, the national student selection exam given by Measuring, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) has to be taken. The students are placed into these programs by ÖSYM in accordance with their score in these exams pursuant to their preferences. 

Students who are placed into the university by ÖSYM;

(1)   First registration procedures of the students who are placed into the University by ÖSYM (Measuring, Selection, and Placement Center) are conducted by Student’s Affairs Directorate in accordance with the calendar specified by the ÖSYM on the dates announced by the University.

(2)     In order for the final registrations of the students to be made, the original copies of the documents specified by ÖSYM and the documents required by the University or their copies approved by the University, if there are any must be submitted.

(3)    The registrations of the students who are understood not to meet the required conditions for final registration, who could not maintain these conditions, who have submitted falsified or altered statements or documents will be cancelled even if they have registered before.

Students placed with special talent examination;

(1) The applicant students applying to the programs that admit students with respect to the special talent examination results are accepted into the relevant programs pursuant to the procedures and principals determined by Council of Higher Education in accordance with the examination results conducted by the University. The registration procedures of those students are carried out pursuant to the provisions of article 9th.

Internal transfer students;

(1) The admission and registration with internal transfer of the students from national and overseas higher education institutions to the university’s bachelor or associate departments or programs are carried out pursuant to Regulation for Transfer between Associate and Bachelor Programs, Double Major, Minor and Interacademic Credit Transfer at Higher Education Institutions” published by Council of Higher Education  and Beykoz University Directive for Internal Transfer, External Transfer, Special Students and Extension Students.

External transfer students;

(1) The course equivalence procedures of the students who are placed into bachelor programs of the University with the external transfer examination held by ÖSYM are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the “Regulation on Continuation of Vocational School and Open University Associate Degree Program Graduates to Undergraduate Education, published by the Council of Higher Education and Beykoz University Directive for Internal Transfer, External Transfer, Special Students and Extension Student.

  1. Admission of foreign students

The admission and registration procedures of the students who are Foreign or Turkish nationals coming from abroad to the University are carried out in accordance with the provisions of “Regulation for Foreign National Students Studying in Turkey”, “Principals for Admission of Foreign Students of Council of Higher Education” published by Council of Higher Education and Beykoz University Directive for Admission and Registration for the Students Coming from Abroad”.

  1. Students of national and international exchange programs

Based on the mutual agreements made between the University and other higher education institutions, mutual student exchange programs can be implemented. During the exchange program’s duration, the registration of the student in the University continues. The student exchange programs are implemented based on the relevant regulation published by Higher Education Institution and the procedures and principals determined pursuant to the mutual agreements and Beykoz University Directive for Students Exchange Program.

  1. Special students

The admissions and the registrations of the students who are registered in national or international higher education institution and allowed to take some courses of the University are carried out with respect to the Regulation for Transfer between Associate and Bachelor Programs, Double Major, Minor and Interacademic Credit Transfer at Higher Education Institutions” published by Council of Higher Education  and Beykoz University Directive for Internal Transfer, External Transfer, Special Students and Extension Students.

  1. Extension students

The persons who are at least high school seniors and not registered on a higher education institution can be accepted to the university with an extension student status and can take the courses on the University’s syllabus. The admissions and registrations of extension students are carried out according to the procedures and principals of Beykoz University Directive for Internal Transfer, External Transfer, Special Students and Extension Students.



  1. Result certificate for the students who are placed with YKS (Higher Education Institutions Examination) (Print out of the placement of the applicant)
  2. High school diploma: 
    • Original copy or the photocopy of the diploma given by the school graduated from or original copy or the photocopy of the recent temporary graduation certificate
    • For the applicant who lost their diploma, original copy or the photocopy of the certificate for lost diploma given by the high school graduated from
  3. 2 pieces of 4,5 cm x 6 cm sized photographs
  4. Original copy and photocopy of the identity card
  5. Original copies of the other certificates that will be announced by the university before the registration or their university approved copies.

      Military Service Procedures;

The applicants’ military service interrogation will be carried out by our University via e- government system. If an applicant has the record of “Your Application to Induction Office” will be directed to the induction offices they are registered to and will be required to get a written statement of “The Certificate of No Inconvenience for Registering to a Faculty or School in terms of Military Service.”

In order to be applied to the applicants whose statuses suit to one of the articles below;

  1. Persons who lost their right to postpone their military service pursuant to the provisions of the Military Service Law numbered: 1111 and principal orders published by The Ministry of Defense on that subject,
  2. Out of the persons who complete a two- or three-year higher education program and wish to attend another higher education program lasting less than four years that have not fulfilled their military service duty,
  3. Out of the persons who complete a higher education program lasting more than four years or more that have not fulfilled their military service duty. If they are placed on a program in our University, those persons’ registrations will be done. However, if those applicants’ military services are postponed, until the end of the postponement period, they will be able to continue the education in the program they acquire the right to register and if their postponement period ends, since they lose their right to postpone their military service duty, those applicants’ registrations are frozen and they will be able to continue their education after they fulfil their military service duty.


  1. The applicants should apply in person to us. Registration via mail cannot be done
  2. Unauthorized copy or photocopy of the certificates required for registration will not be accepted.
  3. If the certificates are deficient, no registration will be done.
  4. The applicant who does not register between the dates announced cannot claim any rights.
  5. Higher Education institutions may request a health commission report from the applicant to register.
  6. In accordance with the decision of the General Board of Higher Education stating that persons cannot register to two formal associate or bachelor programs on the higher education programs on the ÖSYS guidelines at the same time and continue their education, the applicants whose statuses suit these explanation cannot register in the higher education program they are recently placed into unless they break off their registration from their previous program. These decisions do not prevent students from being placed in any program in the YKS preference and placement.
  7. The universities have the authority to take the required legal action for the applicants who register with misstatement.
  8. The applicants should apply to the induction offices for the military service problems and for the credits issue to the university rectorate or Higher Education Credits and Dormitories Institution.