Qualification Awarded
Length of Programme (Year)
Total Number of ECTS Credits
Type of Education
Level of Qualification & Field of Study



TQF Qualification Type: Academic
TQF, TQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011): Level 7
QF-EHEA: Second Cycle
Yönelim: Academic
Sınıflandırma (ISCED 2013): Temel Öğrenme Alanı:48,52
Kategori: Ana Yeterlilik


Recognition of previous learning, course exemption and adaptation


(1) Students who have successfully completed a course that they have already attended at another higher education institution may be exempted from the equivalent courses in the newly accepted program by the decisions of the relevant boards.

(2) The learning outcomes of the students accepted to the departments within the structure of the university achieved via the official or unofficial institutions apart from the higher education institutions may be identified with the learning outcomes and credits of the lectures within the related department. Students certifying these outcomes and periods can be exempted from by the related councils’ verdicts provided that they pass the exams of lectures identified with the outcomes.

(3) Students admitted to the university who graduated from high schools (French, Matura, ABITUR) with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) can be exempted from some courses in their programs that are equivalent to those they have taken at high school by the decisions of the related boards.

(4) To legitimatise the previous learning and within the scope of course exemption, the University State may decide to hold the examinations of the common courses on the dates specified in the academic calender.   

(5) In recognition and exemptions other than the third article described above, the final scores of exempted courses are converted into a letter grade and these grades are included in the general grade point average column. In the recognition and exemptions covered by the third article, the exempted course is given an exemption (M) grade and these grades are not included in the general grade average column.

(6) The degree to which the student who transfers from another higher education institution to an equivalent program of the university is determined by the relevant boards, taking into consideration the length of learning that the student has had in the previous institution.

(7) What classes the students who transferred to a different program of the university through the OSYS central placement score from another higher education institution ;and the students who graduated or disengaged from another higher education institution and placed in any program of the university are to be adapted to, is determined by the concerned committee by taking the courses and the credits which the students succeed in their previous program into consideration.

(8)The students who were placed or students switch to the university from another higher education institution are obliged to carry out compulsory attendence of the lessons which are not exempted.

(9) Students who are exempted from lessons with adaptation are requiered to be enrolled in the university associate degree program for at least 1 semester or undergraduate program for at 2 semerters to graduate.

(10) Recognition of the previous learning, course exemption and adaptation procedures are carried out within the framework of "Beykoz University Recognition of Prior Learning, Course Exemption and Adaptation Directive".